
Rethink Scholarship at Langara College 2012 Call for Entries



e: elisa@rethinkcanada.com

Creative Direction: Ian Grais, Chris Staples Art Direction: Jeff Harrison, Kim Ridgewell Design: Jeff Harrison, Kim Ridgewell Photography: Chris Nielsen Illustration: Jeff Harrison, Kim Ridgewell, Lisa Nakamura, Sofia Pona, Morgan Tierney, Ken Malley, Mike McKoryk In House Broadcast Producer: Catharine Chesterman, Daniella Sorrentino Director: Chris Nielsen Director of Photography: Chris Nielsen Editor: Chris Nielsen Audio House: Vapor Music Account Manager: Ailsa Brown Community Manager: Leah Gregg Ad Agency: Rethink

In the hopes of attracting aspiring creatives to submit their sketchbooks for this year’s contest, we drew on the notion that ‘it all starts with a sketch.’ First you sketch it, then you experiment with it, try to shoot holes in it, polish it, capture it, and and then finally release it into the social-media sphere.
