We Can't Build Homes With Volunteers Alone

Integrated Campaign


e: angela.pagliaroli@cossette.com
w: cossette.com

Ad Agency: Cossette Client: Habitat for Humanity Canada Chief Creative Officer: Matthew Litzinger, David Daga Creative Direction: Daniel Vendramin Art Direction: Daniel Vendramin Copywriting: Anthony Atkinson, Craig Rowe Agency Producer: Tony DeSousa Production Company: OPC Director: James Haworth Director of Photography: Tico Poulakakis Executive Producer: Harland Weiss, Donovan Boden Editor: Brian Williams Editing Comapny: PosterBoy Edit Music/Sound: TA2 Sound + Music Illustration: Dwight Allott Photography: Anthony Cheung Print Producer: Gianna Bentivegna Design Studio: ThinkTank Creative Agent: Kith and Kin Interactive Producer: Courtney Boyd, Kendra Vamplew Project Manager: Olivia Lalsin Senior Project Manager: Michael Howard Brand Supervisor: Genevieve Cote Group Brand Director: Tina Haessler

Habitat for Humanity needed to increase donations. Problem was that most people choose to help by volunteering on a build site, rather than donating money. They don't realize how critical donations are to pay for building supplies. So created an integrated campaign - online videos, outdoor posters, donation site. The videos and posters communicated that 'we can't build homes with volunteers alone' directing people to an interactive site where they could make donate.
