

w: taxi.ca

Company: TAXI 2 Executive Creative Direction: Jeff MacEachern Art Direction: Dan Cantelon Associate Creative Director: Mike Blackmore Writer: Mike Blackmore Vice President Technology: Ben Feist Integrated Producer: Raj Dhillon Digital Producer: Lindsay Barrett General Manager, TAXI 2: Daniel Shearer Account Director: Leanne Goldstein Account Manager: Stacy Ross Vice President, Brand Experience: Sean MacDonald Media Agency: Starcom PR Agency: Edelman Experiential Agency: Mosaic Interactive Agency: Pixel Pusher Production Company: Touchpoint Films

MiO’s core benefit is to give people control when adding flavour to water. So, as title sponsor of North by Northeast, we wanted to do the same thing – give control to the crowd attending the kickoff-headline concert. This led to MiO POV – a mobile app that let anyone broadcast live from their phone, straight to the screens surrounding the outdoor stage. Basically we turned every mobile device into a live video camera.
