A Balloon for Ben

Craft - Animation - Single


Cineplex Entertainment

Company: Cineplex Entertainment Ad Agency: Zulu Alpha Kilo Chief Creative Officer: Zak Mroueh Executive Creative Director: Allen Oke Art Director: Guilherme Bermejo Writer: Nick Doerr Agency Producer: Tara Handley Account Director: Roy Gruia Account Manager: Kendal Saby Planner: Heidi Philip Media Agency: Isobar Canada Media Agency Planner: Damien Lemaitre, Vanessa Pineau PR Agency: Hill + Knowlton PR Agency Team: Margaret O'Donoghue, Rebecca Webster Client: Susan Mandryk, Maxine Chapman, Peter Furnish, Darren Solomon, Justine Melman, Sarah Van Lange, Sylvia Beirnes, Joseph Frankel, Stephanie Critelli, Avery Ironside, Mert Inal Production Company: Hornet Production Company Director: Yves Geleyn Production House Producer: Desiree Stavracos Animation House: Hornet Colourist: Hornet Audio House: Vapor RMW Audio Director : Joey Serlin Audio Producer: Kailee Nowosad Engineer: Julian Rudd Singer: Em Patrick

A Balloon for Ben is set in a world where balloons are filled with the light of film. The animated short features a unique rendition of “Everywhere” by Fleetwood Mac. It’s part of the continuing “See The Big Picture” campaign for Cineplex, Canada’s largest theatre chain, which reminds busy Canadians to make time for entertainment. A Balloon for Ben is also the follow-up to last year’s hugely successful Lily & the Snowman.
