
Friends Don't Give Friends Chlamydia

Public Service/Charity (Non-Profit)


e: johnf@rain43.com
w: rain43.com

Chief Creative Officer: John Farquhar Creative Direction (Art): Bernice Allinson Creative Direction (Copy): John Farquhar Film Director: Jamie Way Production Company: Cartilage Post Production Company: Stealing TIme Studio Operator: Nelson Olivera Design: Vivien Ilett, Tyler Silva, Max Hosseinian Music/Sound: Wanted Sound Development: Colin Sharp, Cody Schrieber Ad Agency: Rain43

Winning Website: findoutthewholestory.ca

If there’s one thing worse than having Chlamydia, it’s being the jerk that gave someone else Chlamydia. Our online campaign consists of 5 moments of a woman being supremely pissed off at a guy. To find out why, you go to the site where we see the full video and provide info on Chlamydia and where to go for testing.
