2017 Student Awards Winners Announced
July 6, 2017

From last year's competition: Thibault Magni, UQAM. "Fanzine: Summer," Student Awards 2016
We're excited to present the list of 2017 Student Awards winners below.
A big thanks goes out to our judges! They evaluated each entry independently and scored based on creative merit, technical excellence and suitability for end use.
This was the second year we included a limited number of high school categories — a special congratulations to our second set of high school student winners!
All Student Award winners receive:
- Their work published in the November/December 2017 Student Awards annual
- Their work published online in November in our Winners' Gallery and in our Awards Archive
- A complimentary copy of the November issue
- Digital tear sheets of their published work
- A personalized award certificate signed by the founder of Applied Arts, noted graphic designer Georges Haroutiun
- Their work displayed at the Creative Futures Expo, November 9-10 at the Ontario Science Centre where more than 2,300 aspiring creative artists, high school students and their teachers will visit
To get the print magazine in time for the November/December issue, visit our Subscribe page.
A big thanks goes out to our award sponsors, Vistek and 4Over, our print and paper partners Mi5 Print & Digital and Veritiv, and our association partners GDC and RGD for their help in producing our upcoming Student Awards section.
Congratulations to all of the winners. Check out the list below, and again in November for the Winners Gallery and the printed issue!
NOTE: Winner notification emails will be sent over the course of today. If you receive an email and your name is not on the below list, email awards [at] appliedartsmag.com. Often the instructor that submitted on behalf of the student is pulled into the winners' list based on how the credits were submitted. We can adjust the winners' list below as necessary.
Abby Guido, Tyler School of Art
Aeshin Yeo, Seneca College
Airisa Seflere, Langara College
Alejo Porras, Savannah College of Art & Design
Alex Krahling, Miami Ad School
Alex Thompson, Capilano University
Alexandra Hodgson, Alberta College of Art + Design
Alice Zeng, Capilano University
Alicia Jordan, Seneca College
Allison Frye, Savannah College of Art & Design
Alon Nusenbaum, Seneca College
Alyssa Koski, Alberta College of Art + Design
Amelie Lehoux, Université du Québec à Montréal
Andrew Argue, Alberta College of Art and Design
Andrew Watch, OCAD University
Anita Lee, Sheridan College
Anjuli Macasinag, Alberta College of Art + Design
Antonio Garcia Ramos, Niagara College Canada
Anurag Mishra, Miami Ad School
Ashlee McCurdy, Savannah College of Art & Design
Austin White, Miami Ad School San Francisco
Beatriz Mayumi, Savannah College of Art & Design
Blakely McAlister, Don Mills Collegiate Institute
Brandon Chung, Alberta College of Art + Design
Brandon Kim, Vancouver Film School
Bryan Satalino, Tyler School of Art
Cameron Chalmers, OCAD U
Camilla Dinardo, York University/Sheridan College
Carmela Cammisuli, Humber College
Catherine Sabourin, Université du Québec à Montréal
Cédric Gagnon, Université du Québec à Montréal
Charles Lynn, Dawson College
Chen Zhongxian, Savannah College of Art & Design
Chris Johnson, Sheridan College
Chris Kintner, Savannah College of Art & Design
Cinyee Chiu, Maryland Institute College of Art
Claire Moore, Maryland Institute College of Art
Cristina Bolzon, York University/Sheridan College
Dan Radzikowski, Seneca College
Dane Cozens, Savannah College of Art & Design
Daniel Pauhl, Capilano University
Daria Popova, Seneca College
Darren Pol, Sheridan College
Diana Friedman, Miami Ad School San Francisco
Dora Wang, Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Elena Sanchez, Savannah College of Art & Design
Emi Johnson, University of Louisville
Erin Fitzgerald, Savannah College of Art & Design
Erin McCluskey, OCAD University
Eryn Lougheed Crowell, Ontario College of Art and Design University
Eryn Tang, York University and Sheridan College
Estelle Chung, Don Mills Collegiate Institute
Esther Luntadila, Seneca Collge
Farnaz Koodakjahani, Savannah College of Art & Design
Filipe Nogueira, Miami Ad School
Francisco "PACO" Quiroba, Savannah College of Art & Design
Francisco Quiroba, Savannah College of Art and Design
Georgia Mackay, Etobicoke School of the Arts
Grace Poole, Savannah College of Art & Design
Hanna Petersson, Miami Ad School
Heather Haughn, Capilano University
Heejae Eoh, Savannah College of Art & Design
Heng Jiang, Savannah College of Art & Design
Henry Hikima, Portfolio Studio
Huu Anh Nguyen, The Creative Circus
Isabel Taborga , Savannah College of Art & Design
Jakub Straka, Miami Ad School Berlin
Janice Callangan, Capilano University
Jasper Hilgers, Alberta College of Art + Design
Jef Petrossi, Mohawk College
Jen Sheckles, Savannah College of Art & Design
Jenn Carroll, Savannah College of Art & Design
Jenna Jones, VanArts
Jerry Peitzman, Savannah College of Art & Design
Jesse Ellingson
Jessica LaGreca, Savannah College of Art & Design
Jessica Spencer, Conestoga College
Jesús Maza Piñero, Niagara College Canada
Jingjing Liu, Savannah College of Art & Design
Jinjiang Huang
Joanna Song, York University
Joao Magalhaes, Miami Ad School
John Cummins, Savannah College of Art & Design
Jonathan Gruber, Miami Ad School
Jonathan Mendel, Université du Québec à Montréal
Joschka Sawatzky, Conestoga College
Jose Medina, Savannah College of Art & Design
Joshua Prinsen, Niagara College Canada
Julia GARCIA-PRAT, Dawson College
Julia Gonzalez-Roy, Université du Québec à Montréal
Kai Mallari, Langara College
Kaitlin Slattery, Savannah College of Art & Design
Kazunori Shiina, Miami Ad School
Kelly Holohan, Tyler School of Art, Temple University
Kelly Kurtz
Kendra Bergman, Savannah College of Art & Design
Kevin Catalan, Savannah College of Art & Design
Ki Woong Baik, Alberta College of Art and Design
Kyle Simmers, Alberta College of Art + Design
Lachlan Herrick, Savannah College of Art & Design
Larissa White, Savannah College of Art & Design
Laura Cordova, Humber College
Laura McMullan, George Brown College
Laurel Benzaquen, George Brown College
Lauren Holden, York University/Sheridan College
Lawrence Teng, Vancouver Film School
Lee Jones, Carleton University
Lidan Chen, Savannah College of Art & Design
Logan Spector, Savannah College of Art & Design
Lok Kuang, Savannah College of Art & Design
Longxi Lin, Don Mills Collegiate Institute
MANSUO ZHANG, Alberta College of Art + Design
Martina Solakova, Miami Ad School
Matthew Peixoto, Algonquin College
Maude Turgeon, Université du Québec à Montréal
Megan Blakes, Sheridan College
Megan Marianelli, West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Melissa Kayoung Choi, Vancouver Film School
Mengxin Li, Savannah College of Art & Design
Michael Grenier, Université du Québec à Montréal
Michelle Bruce, Niagara College Canada
Michelle Fine, Savannah College of Art & Design
Mihaela Kandeva, Vancouver Film School
Mohit Gupta, York University/Sheridan College
Monica Oh, Massachusetts College of Art and design
Morgan Heslin, Savannah College of Art & Design
Natsumi Miyazawa, American School Foundation of Monterrey
Neeko Paluzzi, School of the Photographic Arts: Ottawa
Neve Sowinksi, Don Mills Collegiate Institute
Noah Kawamura, Capilano University
Obadah Aljefri, Savannah College of Art & Design
Olivia McLean, Savannah College of Art & Design
Oscar Gierup, Miami Ad School
Pamella Pinard, Capilano University
Pete MacInnis, Humber College
Philip Ziegler, Miami Ad School Europe
Pierre Boisvert, CFP Maurice-Barbeau
Qi Zhan, Seneca College
Rachel Francis, St. Mary Catholic Secondary School
Ravi Patel, Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
Raymond Tonga, Sheridan College
Ricardo Nunez Suarez
Rick Abreu, Miami Ad School Rio de Janeiro
Robin Mercereau, Alberta College of Art + Design
Roger Lugo, Savannah College of Art & Design
Rose Ting-Yi Liu, OCADU
Ryan Leckie, Miami Ad School Europe
Ryan Lewis, Savannah College of Art & Design
Samira Majedi, Dawson College
Samuel Urquhart, Savannah College of Art & Design
Samuel Urquhart, Savannah College of Art & Design
Sarah Leeson, Conestoga College
Sarah Wong, York University and Sheridan College
Sarena van Dodewaard, Conestoga College
Sharon McGuire, Sheridan College
Shirley Yushkov, Humber College
Shogo Shimizu, Algonquin College
Shreya Gupta, School of Visual Arts
Siyue Tan, Savannah College of Art & Design
Sofia Elidrissi, Alberta College of Art + Design
Sophie Giraldeau, Université du Québec à Montréal
Stephanie Reynolds, Alberta College of Art and Design
Taeyeon Kim, Capilano University
Tamara Campeau, Sheridan College
Thibault Magni, Université du Québec à Montréal
Timothy Carvalho, Savannah College of Art & Design
Tyran Trieu, Université du Québec à Montréal
Vandal Novacek, Savannah College of Art & Design
Varvara Nedilska, Ontario College of Art and Design University
Veronika Radeva, OCAD U
Vivay Li, Capilano University
Vrasidas Golemis, Miami Ad School San Francisco
Wendy Zhang, Don Mills Collegiate Institute
Will Allen, Savannah College of Art & Design
Xiao Mujia, Savannah College of Art & Design
Xuni Gong, Savannah College of Art & Design
Yehezkel Lipinsky, The New Conclusion
Yeonji Pak, Savannah College of Art & Design
Yige Wang, Parsons New School of Design
Zack Krasovec, Niagara College
Zhihe Liu, Seneca College
Ziwei Wang, Vancouver Film School