2018 Student Awards Deadline Extended to June 1!

May 24, 2018

2018 Student Awards Deadline Extended to June 1!

Heli Prajapati, Humber College, EATS: 2011 Annual Report. Design-Editorial-Single, 2012.



Have you been rushing to submit your work for our 2018 Student Awards? Take a breather—the deadline has been extended for another week!


You’ve worked long and hard over the past school year and now is the time to get your well-deserved recognition! Our judges are working professionals in the creative industry who are ready to see new talent—so make sure they see yours! We accept work in advertising, design, photography, illustration and interactive for post-secondary students. We also have a limited number of categories for high school students.



If you win, you will have your name immortalized in the fall print edition of Applied Arts, due on newsstands in September, and on our website—not to mention an impressive entry on your resume.


In the meantime, take a look at some of our past winners from the past 15 years for inspiration! And good luck!

- Sabrina Gamrot



Hong (Ivan) Chen, OCAD University, Fear of Public Speaking. Illustration-Single, 2014.





Vrasidas Golemis, Miami Ad School San Francisco, You Can Speak Up. Complete Advertising Campaign, 2017.




David Gonsalves, The Art Institute of California San Diego, World Hunger 1. Student Advertising-Single, 2007.




Heli Prajapati, Humber College, EATS: 2011 Annual Report. Design-Editorial-Single, 2012.





Denver Eastman, Julia Morra, Martin Stinnissen & Spencer Henderson, Humber College, Ontario Human Rights Commission. Advertising Print, 2010.



Gloria Haynes, Miami Ad School @ Porfolio Centre, Majorette. Photography-Single, 2003.




Abigail Goh, Savannah College of Art and Design, Tokyo International Film Festival. Illustration-Single, 2015.





Vince Lo, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Collator. Typography Design and Application Single, 2011.



Alan Traeger, Art Centre College of Design, Salvation Mountain. Photography Series, 2004.


